Nota Bene: English is not my native tongue, so please forgive me for my mistakes and bad grammar. I will do my best to git gud ;P

воскресенье, 20 декабря 2020 г.

Новый PvP-истребитель фракции Chemosh почти готов


Итак, время настало. Мы заканчиваем работу над своим первым боевым PvP-истребителем, который не будет иметь никакой брони, но зато сможет уничтожать врагов незаметно, исподтишка, следуя за ними в тени. Это наш первый истребитель в текущей пвп-мете игры.

Принцип действия нового корабля следующий: выследить цель по системе ISAN, записать координаты, потом просто убить её, хладнокровно расстреляв с 5 км своими рейлганами. Этот корабль настолько маленький, что он у цели даже не отрендерится. Она просто не поймет, что её убило, и почему её корабль развалился напополам, или разрушился как-будто бы под тягой собственных ускорителей.

Пока в игре всего два человека, которые имеют на вооружении такое оружие. Это Quevin и Messir. Первый уже стал печально известным тем, что выслеживает и убивает вообще все что движется, а второй только строит подобный корабль. Его ранний прототип вы видите на скриншоте вверху. Он тут показан без балок и на испытаниях он летал со скоростью 30 м/с. Это очень мало корабля, который должен летать 150 м/с. Поэтому ваш покорный слуга изменил дизайн и быстро довел скорость нового несбалансированного прототипа до 120 м/с. Теперь начинается самое интересное - мелкими правками сбалансировать миниатюрный корабль и довести скорость до максимальных 150 м/с 

В данный момент она уже приближается к этим значениям. Скоро Chemosh выйдет на тропу войны. Хару, Культ!

понедельник, 14 декабря 2020 г.

Chemosh Upir I fighter is being worked on


Chemosh Upir I. First test flight of the unfinished prototype.

There is an Imperial fighter on our header logo. painted in blue. We decided to recreate that thing in game. Im not sure if it will be allowed to the Chemosh Ship Shop, as it is already a replica of someone elses's creation (this particular is a dev's one). We, as a faction, can still fly it however, especially in PvP and during the "Convoy Attack" events. 

Four "Chemosh Lycon" haulers are now complete.


Chemosh Lycon I. First in the line of our first mainstream hauler family.

In order to provide ourselves some money making grounds, we have created the entire family of cargo ships, that got a name of 'Lycon'. The base word is 'Lycanthropy' that we had to change from the original 'Lycan' to 'Lycon'. Probably in the future it will change to 'Likon', which is more easier for us russians to pronounce correctly, as english 'c' has only one sound in russian, and it is not 'k' it is only 's'. 

Anyway, the new family of hauler ships consists of 4 models now. 

More than 20 ships assembled. Chemosh Ship Shop arrival is now imminent


Relic Chemosh Ark I. One of the first 10 ships in the game that ever landed on the moon.

I am proud to say that our full pack of 20+ ships is now finished and submitted in-game via F1. We have been preparing our shipfolio for our first Chemosh Ship Shop, for a long time. We kept it in secret, but now when all the ships are there - we can talk about the process, I guess. I will not be spoilering what we are going to have there however. We have made a long journey to be the 3rd player faction that is honoured to have its own faction Ship Shop in the game, and the first Russian-speaking faction to have one.

On the picture is my 1st ship, that I created to chase the guy going to the moon, and kill him there. It is called Chemosh Ark, and it will be there in the shop as well.

среда, 2 декабря 2020 г.

Chemosh Lamia is almost done


Good News. Our 3rd ship is almost done. I must apologise for such an awful picture, but I can not uncover her appearance before testing this design in real PvP encounter. Something tells me that it will be her last encounter :D

The name of the ship is Chemosh Lamia I. It is not as tough as Collective's tournament battle boxes, but it may withstand some enemy fire and even break a weak blockade. Depending on the amount of Chemosh faction members allowed to participate in Closed Alpha, we can expect to test up to a wing of these vessels, while performing a massive raiding attack on an unfortunate player-made station. 

Luckily, Frozenbyte is lifting the short pvp ban due to introducing the first player-made safezone mechanic to the game. Tomorrow we will be fighting again.


Ok, so its now time for the first post. 

Hello, Endokind! 

My name is Messir Astaroth, and I am known in game as Messir (because the game doesnt allow me to use my full two-words name for some reason). I am the leader of the russian-speaking raider faction, called True Chemosh Cult. And again, because of the Closed Alpha limitations, we had to shorten it down to Chemosh, because its looks much better than Truechemoshcult. 

The member count of my faction is something that I dont want to disclose however. I believe that this is a very sensitive info, and can give us more disadvantages than advantages while dealing with all sorts hostility in game. We cant let our enemies to prepare in the most optimal way they can, from the beginning. If they know our exact numbers, they will take their time and prepare to deflect our exact numbers. That's why I would better leave them in the dark, because if they all think that Chemosh is just 'one guy' then we will have a chance to surprise them in the first encounter, and then use our advantage to damage their morale and score as much kills as we can in literally no time. Ideally we will steamroll the poor dudes, who expected to see only one or two guys.

Lack of information and 'not knowing' the enemy - is always a disadvantage to you and an advantage to enemy. 

And I, as the enemy they know very little about, simply can not refuse to use such an advantage they gave to me. I cant wait to laugh them off and see them flee from my full fleet. 

In the name of the Lord! ARRRRR!!!!