Nota Bene: English is not my native tongue, so please forgive me for my mistakes and bad grammar. I will do my best to git gud ;P

понедельник, 14 декабря 2020 г.

More than 20 ships assembled. Chemosh Ship Shop arrival is now imminent


Relic Chemosh Ark I. One of the first 10 ships in the game that ever landed on the moon.

I am proud to say that our full pack of 20+ ships is now finished and submitted in-game via F1. We have been preparing our shipfolio for our first Chemosh Ship Shop, for a long time. We kept it in secret, but now when all the ships are there - we can talk about the process, I guess. I will not be spoilering what we are going to have there however. We have made a long journey to be the 3rd player faction that is honoured to have its own faction Ship Shop in the game, and the first Russian-speaking faction to have one.

On the picture is my 1st ship, that I created to chase the guy going to the moon, and kill him there. It is called Chemosh Ark, and it will be there in the shop as well.

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